Homemaker & Breadwinner

About Us

About Homemaker and Breadwinner

Managing the 21st century household has indeed become a rather complicated state of affairs! This is in no small part due to the emergence of a myriad of goods and services that are touted to make life easier and more comfortable. But do they really?

Homemaker & Breadwinner aims to cut through the veil of corporate advertising, and even government propaganda in a bid to see things for what they really are. We will look closely into the quality and price of CONSUMER GOODS, UTILITIES, TELECOMMUNICATIONS, TRANSPORTATION as well as other products commonly purchased by the Filipino family. And we will do this with an eye for quality, value for money, convenience and after sales support.

Making an honest living is not an easy task. It is therefore incumbent upon us to ensure that every Peso earned is well spent. Our blog seeks to answer the very simple question—ARE WE GETTING OUR MONEY’S WORTH?

Homemaker & Breadwinner seeks to raise the banner of the Filipino CONSUMER. Join us as we examine the various goods and services commonly used by the modern household from the discriminating eyes of a hard-working and cost-conscious Filipino couple.

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